Let’s talk with DB in your app

Connect to the DB

The first thing that we need to do is initialize the sqlbatis instance with DB url, so the tool can know which database should be connected. The code snippet below:

from sqlbatis import SQLBatis
db = SQLBatis('sqlite:///:memory:')

To have a quick start, we use the sqlite as an example.

Actually the SQLBatis will pass all the parameters to the SQLAlchemy create_engine function, you can define the extra create options defined in the SQLAlchemy.

Execute the raw sql with @db.query

tips: Explanation first, the db is the instance of SQLBatis, the same definition in the below sections

We have provided the decorator @db.query - sqlbatis.sqlbatis.SQLBatis.query() to execute the raw sql, Hera are CRUD examples:

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlbatis import SQLBatis, Model
db = SQLBatis('sqlite:///:memory:')

class User(Model):

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    full_name = Column(String)

@db.query('INSERT INTO user (name, full_name) VALUS(:name, :full_name)')
def create(name, full_name):

@db.query('SELECT * FROM user')
def query_user():

@db.query('UPDATE user SET name = :name WHERE id = :id')
def update_user(name, id):

@db.query('DELETE FROM user WHERE id = :id')
def delete_user(id):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    create('10111000', 'Leo')

As you can see here, although it is named query, you still can execute the insert, update and delete statement. the parameters defined in the query is named style in the Python DBAPI, you can pass the parameters to the function, and the decorator will retrieve those values mapping with the parameters defined in the statement.

Also, you can use a dict instead of the positional arguments.:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dic = {
        'name': '10111000',
        'full_name': 'Leo'

The Results of the query is the RowSet object which defined in the SQLBatis, Please see the more details in the API Reference - sqlbatis.row.RowSet.

Insert or update bulk records

In some scnarios, we need to do the bulk insert or update, actually, it is more efficient to do bulk operations rather than do it one by one. This is a suitable work for the @db.bulk_query - sqlbatis.sqlbatis.SQLBatis.bulk_query():

BULK_INSERT_SQL = 'INSERT INTO user (name, full_name) VALUS(:name, :full_name)'

# users are the list of the user
users = [{'name': '10111000', 'full_name': 'Leo'} for _ in range(16)]

def bulk_insert(users):

The main difference between the @db.query and @db.bulk_query, is the parameter that we pass to the function is the list of dictionaries.

Paginate query with SQLBatis

@db.query_by_page - sqlbatis.sqlbatis.SQLBatis.query_by_page() is a helper function to do the pagination. you can easier to do the paging query with this, the useage below:

@db.query_by_page('SELECT * FROM user', page=1, page_size=10)
def query_user_by_page():

this decorator will recieve three parameters - sql, page, page_size. It is easy to understand what does it means. will not explain it any more.

In terms of the wrong page or page size, the default process is:

  1. if the page size less than 1, will set the page size to 10
  2. if page less than 1, it means the 0 or negative page number, will set 1
  3. if page greater than max page, will set the page number to the max page number

The result of query_by_page is the sqlbatis.page_query_builder.PageResults. Please get more details in API documentation.