
Provide the cli to interact with DB through command-line

Usage: sqlbatis [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

--help Show this message and exit.

scan Show all the models that searched in the directory

init Init the db tools

migrate Generate the migrate script

upgrade Upgrade the db to the version specified, if not sepecified will update to the latest version

downgrade: Downgrade the db to the version sepecified, need to give the version parameter


class sqlbatis.connection.Connection(conn)[source]

Bases: object

The wrapper of the sqlalchemy raw connection


Start a transaction

Returns:a transaction
Return type:TBI
bulk_query(sql, *params)[source]

Bulk update or insert

Parameters:sql (str) – the raw sql that will be executed
Returns:the row or rowset of the sql result
Return type:Row or RowSet

Close the connection


Check the connection status

Returns:the boolean which indicate the connection status
Return type:boolean
execute(sql, fetch_all=False, inserted_primary_key=False, **params)[source]

The raw execute function of the sqlalchemy, and main difference between this func with the query is it can accept the sqlalchemy sql expression as the first parameter

  • sql (sqlalchemy sql expression) – the sqlalchemy sql expression need to be executed
  • fetch_all (bool, optional) – determine if consume all the iterator immediately instead of lazy loading, defaults to False
  • inserted_primary_key (bool, optional) – if return the primary key when do the create func, defaults to False

the result of the query

Return type:

Row or RowSet or int(if inserted_primary_key)


Check if the connection is in transaction

Returns:the status of the connection transaction
Return type:boolean
query(sql, fetch_all, **params)[source]

The basic query based on the sqlalchemy, it will accept the raw sql, and execute will raw sqlalchemy connection

  • sql (str) – the raw sql that will be executed
  • fetch_all (bool) – determine if consume all the iterator immediately instead of lazy loading

the row or rowset of the sql result

Return type:

Row or RowSet


class sqlbatis.container.SQLBatisContainer[source]

Bases: object

The container for the SQLBatis injection, it will hold the instance that class which inherit the SQLBatisMetaClass

Raises:ContainerException – will raise exception if no instance is registered
static get(key)[source]

Try to get the instance from the container

Parameters:key (str) – the key of the instance
Raises:ContainerException – if no instance is binded with the key, will raise the exception
Returns:the instance
Return type:cls instance
static has_key(key)[source]

Check if the instance exist in the container

Parameters:key (str) – the instance key
Returns:True if the instance exists else False
Return type:bool
static register(key, instance)[source]

Register the instance to the container

  • key (str) – the key of the instance
  • instance (cls instance) – the instance of the cls
class sqlbatis.container.SQLBatisMetaClass[source]

Bases: type

The mataclass which will register the current instance to the container

be careful: it will just host one instance in the container, the original instance will be replaced if a class instance is generated


Hand over the instance management to the container

Returns:cls object
Return type:SQLBatisMetaClass class


exception sqlbatis.errors.ConnectionException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.ContainerException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.NotSupportedException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.PrimaryKeyMissingException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.PropagationException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.QueryException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException[source]

Bases: Exception

exception sqlbatis.errors.SQLInjectionException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.TableMissingException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException

exception sqlbatis.errors.TransactionException[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.errors.SQLBatisException


class sqlbatis.model.Model[source]

Bases: object

Basic Model in the SQLBatis, all the defined model should inherit this class, it will automaticlly interact with SQLAlchemy Core functions:


class sqlbatis.page_query_builder.PageQueryBuilder(sql, params, page, page_size, fetch_all)[source]

Bases: object

Construct a pagination query according to the params that user passed in


Construct the sql to get the current page results, and execute

Returns:The page results
Return type:Rowsets

Construct the sql to query the total number of rows, and execute

Returns:the total number of rows
Return type:int

Execute the pagenation query and return the results

Returns:PageResults object
Return type:PageResults
class sqlbatis.page_query_builder.PageResults(page, page_size, total, results)[source]

Bases: object

The class that contain results of the each page

page: current page number

page_size: number of the object per page

total: total number of query objects

results: the result by page, it is a RowSet object


Check if has next page or not

Returns:if has next page or not
Return type:bool

Check if has previous page or not

Returns:if has previous page or not
Return type:bool


class sqlbatis.row.Row(columns, values)[source]

Bases: object

Row objecct which constructed by the Result retrieved by sqlalchemy


Columns of result

Returns:all columns
Return type:list
get(column, default=None)[source]

Get the value by the column

  • column (str) – the column
  • default (any, optional) – default value if the column not exist, defaults to None

the value conresponding to column

Return type:



Return the row as a dictionary, if ordered is True, return an ordereddict

Parameters:ordered (bool, optional) – if need keep order or not, defaults to False
Returns:the row dictionary
Return type:dict

Values of result

Returns:values conrespond to the columns
Return type:list
class sqlbatis.row.RowSet(rows, result_proxy)[source]

Bases: object

Rows collection

all(to_dict=False, to_ordered_dict=False)[source]

Fetch all the rows that contained in the rowset, and consume the iterator.

first(default=None, to_dict=False, to_ordered_dict=False)[source]

Return the first row in the rowset, and will return the default value if the rowset is empty


if the empty or not

Returns:check the empty or not
Return type:boolean
one(default=None, to_dict=False, to_ordered_dict=False)[source]

Returns a single row for the RowSet or default value, also we will check there is only one row contained in the RowSet


Returns the first column of the first row, or default.

class sqlbatis.row.SQLAlchemyResultProxy(result_proxy)[source]

Bases: object



class sqlbatis.scanner.ModelScanner(directory='.', exclude=[])[source]

Bases: sqlbatis.scanner.Scanner


Scan all the sqlbatis models in the folder that user specified

Returns:SQLBatis models list
Return type:list
class sqlbatis.scanner.Scanner(directory, exclude, file_type)[source]

Bases: object

The basic scanner to search the files in specific folder.


class sqlbatis.sqlbatis.SQLBatis(database_url, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The basic object to do the query with raw sql


Bulk update or insert with this decorator, it has the similar usage like the query it also have the requirements for the inner function, which means the paramters should be the list of the object that we want to do update or insert

Parameters:sql (str) – the raw sql that you want to execute

Close the sqlbatis, which also mean close the engine of the sqlalchemy


The function to get the connection, all the connections are in the localstack object

Raises:ConnectionException – if the engine is closed, the connection will be created
Returns:return a connection for query
Return type:Connection
query(sql, fetch_all=False)[source]

The decorator that using for the raw sql query, the simple example for usage is like:

@db.query("SELECT * FROM user")
def get_users():

then if we try to call the function get_users, the sqlbatis will execute the query automatically.

  • sql (str) – the sql that you want to execute
  • fetch_all (bool, optional) – will retrieve all the results instead of lazy loading the data from db, defaults to False
query_by_page(sql, page=1, page_size=10, fetch_all=True)[source]

Get the rows by page number and page size

  • sql (str) – The raw SQL that you want to execute
  • page (int, optional) – page number, defaults to 1
  • page_size (int, optional) – number of rows per page, defaults to 10
  • fetch_all (bool, optional) – ignore lazy loading or not, defaults to True

The decorator that for do the transaction, the useage of this is:

def transaction_needed_func():

any error occurred, the changes will be rolled back.

also include the nested transaction, consider the scenario like this:

def transaction_func_1():

def transaction_func_2():

if the transaction_func_2 is failed, the result of the do(1) also will rolled back


class sqlbatis.sqlbatis_dao.SQLBatisDao[source]

Bases: object

Basic Dao operations provided by the SQLBatis


Bulk insert and update

Parameters:attrs (list[dict]) – the list of the attributes dict
Return type:TBI

Insert a row of the object to the DB

Parameters:attrs (dict) – the value of the columns
Returns:the primary key of the inserted record
Return type:int

Delete the row by the primary key

Parameters:_id (int) – row primary key
Return type:TBI

Get the rows which match the given conditions, if where_condition is empty, will retrieve all rows in the table

Parameters:where_condition (dict) – conditions that we need to filter from the table
Returns:rows which filtered by the conditions
Return type:RowSet

Get all the rows from the database

Returns:all the rows in the database
Return type:RowSet

Get the row by the id

Parameters:_id (int) – primary key of the row that you want to retrieve
Returns:the row which id is _id
Return type:Row
update_by_id(_id, attrs)[source]

Update the row in the database by the id and attrs

Parameters:attrs (dict) – the attributes of row and contained the primary key of the row
Return type:TBI


sqlbatis.utils.camel_to_snake_case(name, exclude_key_words=[''])[source]

tanslate the name to the snake case according to the named conventions 1. split the class name with the capital letter 2. remove all the spaces and join the elements in the array with ‘_’ sign, and lower the string you get

Parameters:name (str) – the camel case name
Returns:snake case name
Return type:str